Peer-reviewed publications
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Chandran, A., Boltz, A.J., Baker, J., Anderson, M., Rao, N., Collins, C.L. Concussion in High School Sports: Findings from Injury Surveillance. Pediatric Research. [In Press]
Chandran, A., Anderson, T., Post, E.G., Kerr, Z.Y., Adams, W.M. Contemporary reporting in sports injury epidemiology: choosing words carefully and considering a Holistic Injury Impact Framework. British Journal of Sports Medicine. [In Press]
Chandran, A., Boltz, A.J., Lempke, L.B., Rao, N., Alexander, A.S., Northam, W., DiPietro, L., Collins, C.L. Determinants of Symptom Presentation and Resolution following Concussions in High School Sports. Research in Sports Medicine. [In Press]
Rao, N., Boltz, A.J., Anderson, M., Collins, C.L., Chandran, A. Epidemiology of Low Back Injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Athletes: Results from the NCAA Injury Surveillance Program between 2009/10-2018/19. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. [In Press]
Walton, S.R., Carneiro, K.A., Smith-Ryan, A.E., Stoner, L., Kerr, Z.Y., Brett, B.L., Chandran, A., DeFreese, J.D., Mannix, R., Lempke, L.B., Echemendia, R.J., McCrea, M.A., Guskiewicz, K.M., Meehan III, W.P. Health-Promoting Behaviors Across the Adult Lifespan and their Associations with Well-Being in Former National Football League Players: An NFL-LONG Study. Journal of Athletic Training. [In Press]
Gould, S., Crawford, A., Picken, L., Serrano, D., Gabriel, F., McGwin, G., Chandran, A., Schrum, K. Does Equestrian Helmet Type Affect Head Injury? A Study on Equestrian Helmet Use Among Collegiate Athletes. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. [In Press]
Boltz, A.J., Lempke, L.B., Syrydiuk, R.A., Duma, S., Pasquina, P., McAllister, T.W., McCrea, M.A., Chandran, A., Broglio, S.P., CARE Consortium Investigators. Association of Sport Helmet Status on Concussion Presentation and Recovery in Male Collegiate Student-Athletes. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. [In Press]
Boltz, A.J., Moffit, R.E., Alexander, A.S., Mihalik, J.P., Collins, C.L., Chandran, A. Bodychecking injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Men’s Ice Hockey: Findings from the NCAA Injury Surveillance Program 2009/10-2019/20. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. [In Press]
Hernandez, S., Mannix, R., Kerr, Z.Y., Lempke, L.B., Chandran, A., Walton, S., DeFreese, J.D., Echemendia, R.J., Guskiewicz, K., McCrea, M.A., Meehan III, W.P., Brett, B.L. Longitudinal characterization of pain interference and influential factors in former National Football League (NFL) players over a 19-year period: an NFL-LONG Study. The Journal of Pain. [In Press]
Boltz, A.J., Hooper, N., Satalich, J., Cheatham, S., O’Connell, R., Rao, N., Moffit, R.E., Collins, C.L., Chandran, A. Epidemiology of Hamstring Tears in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Sports: 2014/15-2018/19. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. [In Press]
Sprouse, B., Chandran, A., Rao, N., Boltz, A.J., Johnson, M., Hennis, P., Varley, I. Injury and Illness Surveillance Monitoring in Team Sports: A Framework for All. Injury Epidemiology. [In Press]
Didner, N., Boltz, A.J., Robison, H.R., Chandran, A., Quinsey, C. Concussion Symptomology by Symptom Resolution Time in US High School Athletes: Findings from NATION. Journal of Athletic Training. [In Press]
Montalvo, A.M., Wallace, J.S., Chandran, A., Nedimyer, A.K., Kossman, M., Gildner, P., Register-Mihalik, J.K., Kerr, Z.Y. Does the association between concussion knowledge, attitudes, and communication and social context factors differ in Black and white parents of middle school children? Health Education and Behavior. [In Press]
DeFreese, J.D., Weight, E.A., Lempke, L.B., Walton, S.R., Kerr, Z.Y., Brett, B.L., Chandran, A., Mannix, R., Echemendia, R. J., Meehan III, W. P., McCrea, M., & Guskiewicz, K. M. Transition (from Sport) experiences of former National Football League players: An NFL-LONG study. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology. [In Press]
Allen, A.T., Cole, W.R., Samuel R. Walton, S.R., Kerr, Z.Y., Chandran, A., Rebekah Mannix, R., Guskiewicz, K.M., Meehan III, W.P., Echemendia, R.J., McCrea, & Brett, B.L. Subjective and Performance-Based Cognition and their Associations with Head Injury History in Older Former NFL Players. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. [In Press]
Lang, B., Kerr, Z.Y., Chandran, A., Walton, S.R., Mannix, R., Lempke, L.B., DeFreese, J.D., Echemendia, R.J., Guskiewicz, K.M., Meehan III, W.P., McCrea, M.A., Brett, B.L. The longitudinal relationship between concussion history, years of American football participation, and alcohol use among former National Football League (NFL) players: an NFL-LONG Study. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. [In Press]
Chandran, A., Boltz, A.J., Brett, B.L., Walton, S.R., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L., Register-Mihalik, J.K., Mihalik, J.P. Patterns and predictors of concussion symptom presentations in NCAA athletes. Research in Sports Medicine. [In Press]
Dewig, D.R., Boltz, A.J., Moffit, R.E., Rao, N., Collins, C.L., Chandran, A. (2024). Epidemiology of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears in National Collegiate Athletic Association Sports: 2014/15-2018/19. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 56(1):29-36.
Kerr, Z.Y., Walton, S.R., Brett, B.L., Chandran, A., DeFreese, J.D., Mannix, R., Campbell, H., Echemendia, R.J., McCrea, M., Guskiewicz, K., Meehan III, W.P. (2023). Measurement implications on the association between self-reported concussion history and depression: An NFL-LONG Study. The Clinical Neuropsychologist. 37(6):1136-1153.
Kuenze, C., Pietrosimone, B., Currie, K.D., Walton, S.R., Kerr, Z.Y., Brett, B.L., Chandran, A., DeFreese, J.D., Mannix, R., Echemendia, R., McCrea, M., Guskiewicz, K.M., Meehan III, W.P. (2023). Joint Injury and OA are Associated with Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Former NFL Athletes: An NFL-LONG study. Journal of Athletic Training. 58(6):528-535.
Reifsteck, E.J., DeFreese, J.D., Brooks, D., Seo, Y., Beisecker, L., Rao, N., Chandran, A. (2023). Call it an “Evolution”: Promoting Student-Athlete Well-Being during the Transition from Competitive Sport. Journal of Athletic Training. 58(9):697-703.
Nedimyer, A.K., Chandran, A., Kossman, M.K., Gildner, P., Register-Mihalik, J.K., Kerr, Z.Y. (2023). Concussion knowledge, attitudes, and norms: How do they relate? PLOS One. 28(2):e0282061.
Boltz, A.J., Memmini, A.K., Brett, B.L., Snedden, T.R., Yengo-Kahn, A.M., Chandran, A., Conway, D.P., Shah, R., Pasquina, P.F., McCrea, M.A., McAllister, T.W., Master, C.L., Broglio, S.P. (2023). Intersection of Race and Socioeconomic Status on Concussion Recovery among NCAA Student-Athletes: A CARE Consortium study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 55(12):2180-2193.
Putukian M., Purcell, L., Schneider, K.J., Black, A.M., Bruma, J.S., Chandran A., Boltz A.J., Master, C.L., Register-Mihalik, J.K., Anderson, V., Davis G., Fremont P., Leddy J., Maddocks D., Premji, Z., Ronksley, P., Herring S., Broglio S.P. (2023). Clinical recovery from concussion: Return to school and sport, A systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 57(12):798-809.
Lempke, L.B., Walton, S.R., Brett, B.L., Chandran, A., DeFreese, J.D., Mannix, R., Echemendia, R.J., McCrea, M., Guskiewicz, K., Meehan III, W.P., Kerr, Z.Y. (2023). Relating Age of First Exposure to Patient-Reported Outcomes and Medical Diagnoses Among Former National Football League Players: An NFL-LONG study. Sports Medicine. 53(5):1073-1084.
Hribar, C., Chandran, A., Piazza, M., Quinsey, C.S. Association Between Patient Perception of Surgeons and Color of Scrub Attire. (2023). JAMA Surgery. 158(4):421-423.
Brett, B.L., Kerr, Z.Y., Chandran, A., Walton, S.R., Aggarwal, N.T., Gifford, K., Mannix, R., J.D. DeFreese, Echemendia, R.J., Guskiewicz, K., Meehan III, W.P., McCrea, M. (2023). A dominance analysis of common comorbidities of subjective cognitive decline in former professional football players with and without mild cognitive impairment. Journal of International Neuropsychological Society. 29(6):582-593.
Chandran, A., Moffit, R., DeJong Lempke, A., Boltz, A.J., Alexander, A.S., Robison, H.J., Kerr, Z.Y., Collins, C.L., Wikstrom, E.A. (2023). Epidemiology of Lateral Ligament Complex Tears in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Sports: 2014/15-2018/19. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 51(1):169-178.
Chandran, A., Nedimyer, A.K., Walton, S.R., DeCicco, J.P., Temme, K.E., Willis-Gray, M., Weight, E.A., Kerr, Z.Y., Mihalik, J.P., DeFreese, J.D., Carneiro, K.A. (2023). Describing reproductive and pelvic floor health in female former soccer athletes: A preliminary study. Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy. 47(2):103-113.
Buckley, T.A., Chandran, A., Mauntel, T.C., Kerr, Z.Y., Brown, D.W., Boltz, A.J., Herman, D.C., Hall, E.E., Lynall, R.C. (2023). Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Injuries After Concussion in Collegiate Student-Athletes. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 51(2):511-519.
Kerr, Z.Y., Gildner, P., Parker, S.K., Kostogiannes, V., Callahan, C.E., Nedimyer, A.K., Kossman, M.K., Chandran, A., Register-Mihalik, J.K. (2023). Sport culture and communication among middle school athletes, parents, and staff: A qualitative study. PLOS One.
Brett, B.L., Aggarwal, N.T., Chandran, A., Kerr, Z.Y., Walton, S.R., DeFreese, J.D., Guskiewicz, K.M., Echemendia, R.J., Meehan III, W.P., McCrea, M., Mannix, R. (2023). Incorporation of concussion history as part of the LIfestyle for BRAin Health (LIBRA) modifiable factors risk score and associations with cognition in older former National Football League players. Alzheimer’s & Dementia. 19(7):3087-3097.
Kerr, Z.Y., Nedimyer, A.K., Simon, J.E., Kossman, M.K., Corbett, R.O., Chandran, A. (2022). The epidemiology of ankle sprains in United States high school sports, 2011/12-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 57(11-12):1030-1038.
DeFreese, J.D., Walton, S.R., Brett, B.L., Chandran, A., DeFreese, J.D., Mannix, R., Echemendia, R.J., McCrea, M., Meehan III, W.P., Guskiewicz, K.M. (2022). Transition-Related Factors and Mental Health Outcomes in Former National Football League Players: An NFL-LONG Study. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology. 44(3):169-176.
Williams, R., Bliven, K.H., Morris, S.N., Boltz, A.J., Robison, H.J., Chandran, A., Vailer A. S. (2022). Non-Time Loss and Time-Loss Injuries in Secondary School Girls’ Volleyball Athletes: A Report from the NATION-SP. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 31(5):536-543.
Walton, S.R., Kerr, Z.Y., Mannix, R., Brett, B.L., Chandran, A., DeFreese, J.D., McCrea, M., Guskiewicz, K.M., Meehan III, W.P., Echemendia, R.J. (2022). Subjective Concerns Regarding the Effects of Sport-Related Concussion on Long-Term Brain Health among Former NFL Players: An NFL-LONG Study. Sports Medicine. 52(5):1189-1203.
Brett, B.L., Kerr, Z.Y., Aggarwal, N.T., Chandran, A., Mannix, R., Walton, S.R., DeFreese, J.D., Echemendia, R.J., Guskiewicz, K.M., McCrea, M., Meehan III, W.P. (2022). Cumulative concussion and odds of stroke in former NFL players. Stroke. 53(1):e5-e8.
Brett, B.L., Kerr, Z.Y., Aggarwal, N.T., Walton, S.R., Chandran, A., Mannix, R., DeFreese, J.D., Echemendia, R.J., Guskiewicz, K.M., McCrea, M., Meehan III, W.P. (2022). Longitudinal trajectory of depression symptom severity and the influence of concussion history and physical function over a 19-year period among former National Football League (NFL) players. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 93(3):272-279.
Walton, S.R., Kerr, Z.Y., Brett, B.L., Chandran, A., DeFreese, J.D., Echemendia, R.J., Meehan III, W.P., McCrea, M., Guskiewicz, K.M. (2022). Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia among Former National Football League Players Over 50 Years of Age: An NFL-LONG Study. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 54(3):424-431.
Brett, B.L., Nader, A., Kerr, Z.Y., Chandran, A., DeFreese, J.D., Walton, S.R., Guskiewicz, K., McCrea, M.A. (2022). Disparate associations of years of football participation and a metric of head impact exposure with neurobehavioral outcomes in former collegiate football players. Journal of International Neuropsychological Society. 28(1):22-34.
Kerr, Z.Y. Chandran, A., Nedimyer, A.K., Rothschild, A.E., Kay, M.C., Gildner, P., Byrd, K.H., Haarbauer-Krupa, J.K., Register-Mihalik, J.K. (2022). Use of sport-related concussion information sources among parents of United States middle school children. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 11(6):716-724.
Kerr, Z.Y., Chandran, A., Walton, S.R., Brett, B.L., DeFreese, J.D., Mannix, R., Echemendia, R.J., McCrea, M., Guskiewicz, K., Meehan III, W.P. (2022). The stability of self-reported professional football concussion history among former players: A longitudinal NFL-LONG Study. Brain Injury. 36(8):968-976.
Chandran, A., Elmi, A., Young, H., DiPietro, L. (2022). Determinants of Lower-extremity Injury Severity and Recovery in U.S. High School Soccer Players. Research in Sports Medicine. 30(3):272-282.
Chandran, A., Boltz, A.J., Morris, S.N., Robison, H.J., Nedimyer, A.K., Collins, C.L., Register-Mihalik, J.K. (2022). Epidemiology of Concussion in National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Sports: 2014/15-2018/19. American Journal of Sports Medicine. 50(2):526-536.
DeFreese, J.D., Weight, E.A., DeCicco, J., Nedimyer, A.K., Kerr, Z.Y., Carneiro, K., Mihalik, J.P., Chandran, A. (2021). Transition Experiences of Former Collegiate Women’s Soccer Athletes. Journal of Intercollegiate Sport. 14(2).
Wikstrom, E.A., Cain, M.S., Chandran, A., Regan, T., Migel, K., Song, K., Kerr, Z.Y. (2021). Risk of subsequent lateral ankle sprains in those with and without a history of lateral ankle sprains: a systematic review. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(6):578-585.
DeFreese, J.D., Walton, S.R., Chandran, A., Kerr, Z.Y. (2021). A Time for Clinical Transformation: Emerging Implications from COVID-19 Athlete Transition Research and Clinical Practice. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology. 15(3):177-184.
Kerr, Z.Y., Ingram, B., Callahan, C., Nedimyer, A.K., Chandran, A., Kossman, M.K., Hoang, J., Gildner, P., Register-Mihalik, J.K. (2021). Reporting of concussion symptoms by a nationwide survey of United States parents of middle school children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(22):12070.
Chandran, A., Collins, C.L. (2021). The Constants in the Evolving Sports Injury Surveillance Ecosystem: Athletic Trainers. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):602-603.
Chandran, A., Morris, S.N., D’Alonzo, B., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Women’s Swimming and Diving: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):711-718.
Veillard, K., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Morris, S.N., Collins, C.L., Chandran, A. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Women’s Softball: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):734-741.
Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., D’Alonzo, B., Morris, S.N., Collins, C.L., Chandran, A. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Men’s Swimming and Diving: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):719-726.*
Bretzin, A.C, D’Alonzo, B., Chandran, A., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L., Morris, S.N. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Women’s Lacrosse: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):750-757.
Chandran, A., Roby, P.R., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Morris, S.N., Collins, C.L. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Women’s Gymnastics: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):688-694.
D’Alonzo, B., Bretzin, A.C., Chandran, A., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L., Morris, S.N. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Men’s Lacrosse: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):758-765.
Haarbauer-Krupa, J.K., Register-Mihalik, J.K., Nedimyer, A.K., Chandran, A., Kay, M.C., Gildner, P., Kerr, Z.Y. (2021). Factors associated with concussion symptom knowledge and attitudes towards care-seeking among patients of children aged 5-10 years. Journal of Safety Research. 10(2):113-121.
Powell, J.R., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Morris, S.N., Collins, C.L, Chandran, A. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Men’s Wrestling: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):727-733.*
Chandran, A., Nedimyer, A.K., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L., Morris, S.N. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Women’s Ice Hockey: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):695-702.
Lempke, L.B., Chandran, A., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L., Morris, S.N. Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Women’s Basketball: 2014/15-2018/19. (2021). Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):674-680.
Chandran, A., Morris, S.N., Lempke, L.B., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Women’s Volleyball: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):666-673.
Chandran, A., Morris, S.N., Lempke, L.B., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Men’s Basketball: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):681-687.
Boltz, A., Nedimyer, A.K., Chandran, A., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L., Morris, S.N. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Men’s Ice Hockey: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):703-710.*
Chandran, A., Morris, S.N., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Women’s Cross-country: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):622-628.
Robison, H.J., Boltz, A., Morris, S.N., Collins, C.L., Chandran, A. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Women’s Tennis: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):766-772.*
Walton, S.R., Kerr, Z.Y., Brett, B.L., Chandran, A., DeFreese, J.D., Smith-Ryan, A.E., Stoner, L., Echemendia, R.J., McCrea, M., Meehan III, W.P., Guskiewicz, K.M. (2021). Health-Promoting Behaviors and Concussion History are Associated with Cognitive Function, Mood-Related Symptoms, and Emotional-Behavioral Dyscontrol in Former National Football League Players: An NFL-LONG Study. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 55(12):683-690.
Chandran, A., Morris, S.N., Powell, J.R., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Men’s Football: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):643-650.
Nedimyer, A.K., Morris, S.N., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L., Chandran, A. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Women’s Field Hockey: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):636-642.*
Chandran, A., Morris, S.N., Wasserman, E.B., Boltz, A., Collins, C.L. (2021). Methods of the National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance Program (NCAA ISP), 2014/15 through 2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):616-621.
Chandran, A., Morris, S.N., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Men’s Cross-country: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):629-635.
Chandran, A., Morris, S.N., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Women’s Soccer: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):651-658.
Chandran, A., Morris, S.N., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Men’s Soccer: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):659-665.
Chandran, A., Brown, D. Zieff, G., Kerr, Z.Y., Credeur, D., Stoner, L. (2021). Estimating local arterial stiffness using mixed-effects model-based residuals: A novel approach. Journal of Hypertension. 44:727-729.
Boltz, A., Powell, J.R., Robison, H.J., Morris, S.N., Collins, C.L, Chandran, A. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Men’s Baseball: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):742-749.*
Robison, H.J., Boltz, A., Morris, S.N., Collins, C.L, Chandran, A. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Men’s Tennis: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):773-779.*
Boltz, A., Roby, P.R., Robison, H.J., Morris, S.N., Collins, C.L., Chandran, A. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Men’s Track and Field: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):788-794.*
Chandran, A., Morris, S.N., Roby, P.R., Boltz, A., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L. (2021). Epidemiology of injuries in National Collegiate Athletic Association Women’s Track and Field: 2014/15-2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):780-787.
Brett, B., Walton, S.R., Kerr, Z.Y., Nelson, L.D., Chandran, A., Defreese, J.D., Echemendia, R., Guskiewicz, K., Meehan III, W., McCrea, M. (2021). Distinct latent profiles of neurobehavioral functioning among former National Football League (NFL) players. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. 92(3):282-290.
Roby P.R., DeCicco, J.P., Chandran A., Barczak-Scarboro N.E., DeLellis S.M., Ford C.B., Healy M.L., Means G.E., Kane S.F., Lynch J.H., & Mihalik J.P. (2021). Neurovascular coupling in Special Operations Forces combat soldiers. Annals of Biomedical Engineering.49(2):793-801.
Kerr, Z.Y., Gildner, P., Nedimyer, A.K., Chandran, A., Kay, M.C., Haarbauer-Krupa, J.K., Register-Mihalik., J.R. (2021). Factors associated with concussion symptom knowledge and attitudes towards concussion care-seeking among a national survey of parents of United States middle school children. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 10(2):113-121.
Chandran, A., Morris, S.N., Wasserman, E.B., Quetant, S.L., Robison, H.J., Collins, C.L. (2021). Methods of the National Athletic Treatment, Injury, and Outcomes Network Surveillance Program (NATION-SP), 2014/15 through 2018/19. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(5):529-533.
Kerr, Z.Y., Gildner, P., Nedimyer, A.K., Chandran, A., Kay, M.C., Byrd, K.H., Register-Mihalik., J.R. (2020). Approaching community priorities in youth sports injury prevention research. Injury Epidemiology. 7(35):1-3.
Powell, J.R., Boltz, A.J., DeCicco, J.P., Chandran, A., DeLellis, S.M., Healy, M.L., Kane, S.F., Lynch, J.H., Means, G.E., Hackney, A.C., Mihalik, J.P. (2020). Neuroinflammatory biomarkers associated with mild traumatic brain injury in Special Operations Forces. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. 35(5):300-307.
Combs P.R., Chandran A., Barczak-Scarboro N.E., DeLellis S.M., Ford C.B., Healy M.L., Means G.E., Kane S.F., Lynch J.H., & Mihalik J.P. (2020). Cerebrovascular reactivity in Special Operations Forces combat soldiers. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 48(6):1651-1660.
Sylvetsky A. C., Chandran, A., Talegawkar, S. A., Welsh, J. A., Drews, K., Ghormli, L. E. (2020). Consumption of Beverages Containing Low-Calorie Sweeteners Does Not Improve Diet and Cardiometabolic Health in Youth with Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 120(8):1348-1358.
Northam, W.T., Cools, M.J., Chandran, A., Alexander, A., Mihalik, J.P., Guskiewicz, K.M., Carneiro, K.A. (2020). Sports medicine fellowship training improves sport-related concussion evaluation. Current Sports Medicine Reports. 19(7):272-276.
Kerr, Z.Y., Chandran, A. Zuckerman, S.L., Stoner, L., Solomon, G.S. (2020). Research is like a bad game of “telephone”: Mitigating the information breakdown from clinicians to the general public. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 54:762-764.
Northam, W.T., Chandran, A., Adams, C., Barczak, N., Quinsey, C. (2020). Cranioplasty length of stay: Relationship with indication, surgical decision-making factors, and sex. Trauma. 22(4):256-264.
Mihalik J.P., Chandran, A., Powell J.R., Roby P.R., Guskiewicz K.M., Stemper B.D., Shah A.S., Rowson S., Duma S., Harezlak J., Riggen L.D., Broglio S.P., McAllilster T.W., McCrea M., & CARE Consortium Investigators. (2020). Do head injury biomechanics predict concussion clinical recovery in college American football players? Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 48(11):2555-2565.
Chandran, A., Kay, M.C., Nedimyer, A.K., Morris, S.N., Kerr, Z.Y., Register-Mihalik, J.R. (2020). A review of analytical methods used for evaluating clustering in concussion-related symptoms. Current Epidemiology Reports. 7:315-326.
Chandran, A., Kerr, Z.Y., Combs, P., Nedimyer, A., Arakkal, A., Pierpoint, L.A., Zuckerman, S.L. (2020). Concussion symptom characteristics in 20 United States high school sports, 2013/14-2017/18 academic years. Neurosurgery. 87(3):573-583.
Chandran, A., Nedimyer A.K., Kerr, Z.Y., O’Neal, C., Mensch, J., Yeargin, S.W. (2020). Concussion Knowledge, Attitudes, and Self-reporting Intentions in Youth Athletes. Journal of Athletic Training. 55(10):1027-1034.
Nedimyer, A.K., Chandran, A., Hirschhorn, R.M., Adams, W.M., Pryor, R.R., Casa D.J., Register-Mihalik, J.K., Kerr, Z.Y. (2020). Comparison of Exertional Heat Stroke Management Practices and Intentions Among Secondary School Football Athletic Trainers. Journal of Athletic Training. 55(10): 1081-1088.
Chandran, A., DiPietro, L., Young, H., Elmi, A. (2020). Modelling Time Loss from Sports-Related Injuries using Random Effects Models: An Illustration Using Soccer-related Injury Observations. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports. 16(3):221-235.
Chandran, A., Elmi, A., Young, H., DiPietro, L. (2020). Determinants of Concussion Diagnosis, Symptomology, and Resolution Time in U.S. High School Soccer Players. Research in Sports Medicine. 28(1):42-46.
Kerr, Z.Y., Register-Mihalik, J.K., Chandran, A. (2019). Recognizing the research participants behind the numbers: “Every line of data is a story”. Journal of Athletic Training. 54(8):841-842.
Northam, W.T., Chandran, A., Abumoussa, A.L., Quinsey, C.S., Elton, S.W. (2019). Socioeconomic Status and Injury Severity Predicts Follow up for Pediatric Non-Operative Skull Fractures. Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics. 24(5):489-497.
Visek, A. J., Mannix, H. M., Chandran, A., Cleary, S. D., McDonnell, K., DiPietro, L. (2019). Towards further understanding youth athletes’ fun priorities: An investigation of sex, age, and levels of play. Women in Sport and Physical Activity. 28(1):39-49.
Pokorney, P., Chandran, A., Long, M. (2019). Impact of the Community Eligibility Provision on Meal Counts and Participation in Pennsylvania and Maryland National School Lunch Programs. Public Health Nutrition. 22(17):3281-3287.*
Chandran, A., Brown, D., Nedimyer, A. K., Kerr, Z.Y. (2019). Statistical Methods for Handling Observation Clustering in Sports Injury Surveillance. Journal of Athletic Training. 54(11):1192-1196.
Kerr, Z.Y., Chandran, A., Nedimyer, A., Arakkal, A., Pierpoint, L.A., Zuckerman, S.L. (2019). Concussion incidence and trends in 20 high school sports, 2013/14-2017/18 academic years. Pediatrics. 144(5): e20192180
Chandran, A., Brown, D., DiPietro, L., Danoff, J. (2019). Plantar pressure distributions: A novel metric for analysis. Footwear Science. 11(2):105-110.
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Visek, A. J., Blake, E. F., Otterbein, M., Chandran, A., Sylvetsky, A. C. (2019). SWEET MAPS: A Conceptualization of Low-Calorie Sweetener Consumption Among Young Adults. Current Developments in Nutrition. 3(4):nzy103.
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Jones, C., Visek A. J., Barron, M., Hyman, M., Chandran, A. (2019). Association between Relative Age Effect and Organizational Practices of American Youth Football. Journal of Sports Sciences. 37(10):1146-1153.*
Visek, A. J., Mannix, H. M., Chandran, A., Cleary, S. D., McDonnell, K., DiPietro, L. (2018). Perceived Importance of the Fun Integration Theory’s Factors and Determinants: A Comparison Among Players, Parents, and Coaches. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. 13(6):849-862.
Chandran, A., Barron, M., Westerman, B., DiPietro, L. (2017). Multifactorial Examinations of Sex-Differences in Head Injuries and Concussions among Collegiate Soccer Players: NCAA ISS, 2004-2009. Injury Epidemiology. 4(1). doi: 10.1186/s40621-017-0127-6.
Sylvetsky A. C., Issa N. T., Chandran A., Brown R. J., Alamari H. J., Aitchenson G., Walter M., Rother K.I. (2017). Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor declines in response to an oral glucose load and is correlated with Vitamin D and BMI but not diabetes status in children and young adults. Hormone Research in Pediatrics. 87:301-306.
Fulstone, D., Chandran, A., Barron, M., DiPietro, L. (2016). Continued Sex Differences in the Rate and Severity of Knee Injuries among Collegiate Soccer Players: The NCAA Injury Surveillance System, 2004-2009. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 37(14):1150-1153.*
Chandran, A., Barron, M., Westerman, B., DiPietro, L. (2016). Time Trends in Incidence and Severity of Injury Among Collegiate Soccer Players in United States: NCAA Injury Surveillance System, 1990-1996 and 2004-2009. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 44(12):3237-3242.
Chandran, A., Brown, D., DiPietro, L., Danoff, J. (2016). Applying the Inverse Maximum Ratio- Λ to 3-Dimensional Surfaces. 3D Research. 7(2):1-13.
Chandran, A., Brown, D., Danoff, J., DiPietro, L. (2016). Using the Inverse Maximum Ratio- Λ as a technique to quantify surface uniformity. Communications in statistics: Simulation and Computation. 45(3):1129-1142.
Gutierrez, J., Gribok, A., Rumpler, W., Chandran, A., DiPietro, L. (2015). A Single Bout of Resistance Exercise does not Promote Excess Post-Exercise Energy Expenditure in Untrained Young Men with a Family History of Diabetes. International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 25(1):20-26.
Invited Commentaries & Responses
Anderson, T., Post, E.G., Chandran, A., Kerr, Z.Y., Triplett, A., Adams, W.M. Considering the Mean-ing: Quantifying Injury Burden in Sports Injury Epidemiology. Current Sports Medicine Reports. [In Press]
Chandran, A., Collins, C.L. (2022). Describing the Epidemiology of Injuries in U.S. Collegiate Women’s Soccer: 2014/15-2018/19. Football Medicine & Performance Association Publication.
Parsons, J.T., Hainline, B., Chandran, A. (2021). The National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance Program: Continuing Injury Surveillance efforts through the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Athletic Training. 56(7):604-605.
Chandran, A., Nedimyer, A.K., Register-Mihalik, J.K., DiPietro, L., Kerr, Z.Y. (2019). Comment on: “Incidence, Severity, Aetiology, and Prevention of Sports Injuries: A Review of Concepts”. Sports Medicine. 49(10):1621-1623.
Kerr, Z.Y., Chandran, A., Defreese, J.D. (2019). Considerations for Present and Future Research on Former Athlete Health and Well-Being. Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open. 2(5):e194222. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.4222.
© Avinash Chandran, 2025.